Mistlers | Family

I have met some amazing families throughout the years, but this family right here quickly became a favorite one (Not that they weren’t already because their kids are models!). I believe we (tried!) planned this session for almost two years and I’m glad it finally happened! We met at the beautiful Brayberry Farm on a beautiful day, with amazing temperatures, and clear skies.

When I document families with small children, I like to photograph the kids first before they get bored and give up on me, so that’s what we did when I met with the Mistlers. However, I was impressed by how much these sibling love each other. Just to give you an idea, families sessions last around forty minutes when there are kids involved — I try to make them last one hour just to get more content for my clients, but normally they last forty minutes because kids get tired. The Mistlers’ session lasted one hour and forty five minutes!! If you haven’t figured it out yet, that means these kids did not complain at all! In fact, twenty five minutes into the session Connor said to me, “You’re really fun!” (I swear I’m not braggin’ here..)

Please enjoy some of my favorite photos from their session!

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram for more content or lifestyle! @martiniidelarosa

Oh yeah! The kids wanted one last photo in the golf cart!


Madisun | Bridals


Connor | ATU Graduate