Kaitlyn & Blake | Engagement

This is a very special blog!

Kaitlyn and Blake are getting married! I came into Kaitlyn’s life when she was barely a teenager and I’ve loved and known her ever since! We’ve shared special moments, Christmases, ball games, dinners, family-vacations, you name it! It’s hard to believe someone you’ve known for many-many-many years is getting married, especially if you’ve known them since they were “kids”. She’s family. She’s a sister. Kaitlyn is very special to me and I couldn’t be any happier for her and Blake!

I documented this engagement session back in November. This couple and I drove to the Subiaco Abbey in Subiaco, AR to document their session. That day was very windy and COLD, but a beautiful day indeed! These two are so much fun!

Since it’s wedding week for these two I figured I’d share their session (Sorry I’m behind!). Please enjoy some of my favorite photos from their session!

Follow me on Instagram for more! @martiniidelarosa


Connor | ATU Graduate


Mother’s Day Minis