Bradleys | Family

I’ve known the Bradleys FOR YEARS. Their first grandbaby probably won’t remember but I used to carry him around in my arms at church! I believe I started taking photos of the Bradleys in 2017 and I’ve been documenting them ever since! I also realized I’ve never blogged about this family and I want y’all to see how beautiful this family is!

I’d like to start adding a question with every blog I post. The kind of questions I will add are questions that a future client may be wanting to know or questions I get asked when a prospect client inquires! Below you will find the first question.

Today’s question is: “How many photos will a client get if they hire me?” - This depends! I offer 1 to 2 hours with all my portrait sessions. I’ve documented families in 40 minutes, I’ve documented families that have taken up all the time I offer. It depends on what your vision for the session is and the content we will be incorporating within the session. But a client could get anywhere from 100-300 (or more) fully edited photos. But the average is 200-250 photos, again, it just depends!

Huge thank you to The Pecan Guy farms for allowing me to bring this family into their land!

(The Pecan Guy Farms is a private land. Please refrain from trespassing any private property. I have acquired the proper permission from the farm and trespassers will be prosecuted).

Please enjoy some of my favorite photos from the Bradleys’ session below!

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram for more content or lifestyle! @martiniidelarosa


Hickmans | Family


Brittany & Beren | Engagement