Hickmans | Family

Last time I saw Genesis was back in May, but I’ve known Genesis and her family since 2007. Last time I saw her entire family was maybe 2011 — so it’s been a while. This session was unique since I got to photograph different families in one session, but nevertheless, one family! Enjoy some of my favorite images from their session!

I’d like to start adding a question with every blog I post. The kind of questions I will add are questions that a future client may be wanting to know or questions I get asked when a prospect client inquires! Below you will find the first question.

Today’s question is: “Per last blog you mentioned you give anywhere from 100-300 photos. Do you edit all photos? Or only certain ones?” - I’ve never liked when a client chooses their own photos for me to edit, etc. I prefer to give them all edited. Again, I believe you are making an investment when you hire and pay me, and you should get what you pay for. To me, getting what you pay for means getting a vast majority of the photos I capture, instead of only getting a handful from a 1-2 hour session! So, yes. I edit all of them!

Huge thank you to The Yelvertons for allowing me to bring this family into their property!

(This is a private land. Please refrain from trespassing any private property. I have acquired the proper permission from the farm and trespassers will be prosecuted).

Please enjoy some of my favorite photos from this session below!

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram for more content or lifestyle! @martiniidelarosa




Bradleys | Family