Garzas | Family

Last Sunday I had the opportunity to document the Garza family, and by far this has been the session I’ve laughed [during] the most! This session was out of my comfort zone as well. Let me explain why. At weddings, aside from documenting the wedding, I also love to capture MOMENTS. Those little moments that nobody is paying attention to. E.g. Auntie Carol wiping a tear. Grandma Gertrude sweetly smiling at grandpa Ron. Moments like those! I try to carry that same gift when I document portraits. I knew the moments I’m used to capturing were going to be different with the Garzas. [Pause. We’ll come back to this]

I want the client to be part of the session planning as much as possible. But when it comes to the day of the session I am in total control and I want the clients to relax and be themselves. You may be asking, “How can a client be part of the session if all they have to do is show up?” Easy! With every inquiry I receive I send a lengthy questionnaire, and I always encourage clients to take their time filling it out and to be as detailed as possible. That questionnaire will help ME plan your session and timeline according to what you answered on that questionnaire.

[We can resume]

Sheryl, the boss of the Garzas family did a great job filling out the questionnaire. She explained the family’s dynamics and I tried to visualize the moments I’m used to capturing. You’ll realize why this was out-of-my-comfort-zone when some of the responses on the questionnaire were:

I want to remember how much fun and laughter there was when we were together--along with a lot of teasing.” Usually, when there’s is teasing going on during a portrait session I try to snap one or two photos and then I wait for them to go back to “session mode”. The Garzas were wanting THESE moments that I usually take for granted!

“The guys will all have white hats I have requested them to wear in a picture I'd like. Everyone is okay with it, except I had to guilt Travis in to it! He and Alex asked if they could wear their shirts open displaying their chest hair and a gold chain. That is a firm NO!”

“I also have and idea for a picture with just Dave and I and our kids. You know the meme of President Biden's image being put on gas pumps, pointing to the prices, saying "I did that"? I thought it would be cool for Dave to make a banner saying, "We did that" with us pointing to the kids who would be sitting on steps below us. Does that sound stupid?”

Needless to say, I had so much fun during this session and I knew I was going to capture precious moments of them teasing each other, laughing at each other, making fun of each other, and respecting each other.

I hope you enjoy some of the photos from their session!

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Quinteros | Family


Grace & Craig | Engagement