Richardsons | Family

Leanna contacted me last summer/fall and she was wanting to get her mom and family a photo-session giftcard for Christmas. Originally, the plan was to have the session early spring of this year, but they decided to have it in July since her uncle, Shawn, was going to be visiting from Tokyo.

After much planning we finally had the session! This family was kind, loving and fun! They know how to laugh and enjoy each other’s presence. The location for this session was at the Richardson’s property. This property had a loop as a trail and it was surrounded with trees! Towards the end of the session we got lucky with 20 minutes of sunlight and took advantage of it!

This was basically a family reunion because at the end of the session they had dinner and guess what? I ate too. I’ve always said that one of my other forms of payment is FOOD. So, now you know it!

Enjoy some of their photos from their session below!




Quinteros | Family